Important Events

Submitted By: Divine
Bune Delivered within: 1 Month

This is to express my highest gratitude to Duchess Bune.

I have 2 major important events thaf happened at the same date and same time, but at 2 different venue. I was forced to choose only one but I couldnt as both were soooo important to me. One was the National Band Competition representing our State, and another one was an education colloqium that would highly beneficial for my career portfolio.

I asked for Bune’s helps. I made offering consist of oranges, sandalwood incense/essential oil, and also others. I didnt chant her enn and made the sigil but everytime I enjoy a meal, I invited her to experience with me, as my spiritual awareness is high, I know Bune and I are one. I am connected with the Universe. Then i give thanks for I have received.

A day before the event started, a friend informed me that one of the date has been adjusted. The national education colloqium has been adjusted to delay a day from the date of the band competition. I am soooo grateful!! I know this must be the work of Bune. I got to do both events. Although I was very tired but the outcome came out greatly. Not only our band was crowned as the National champion represented our State, I got praised for my presentation too during the colloqium. I have achieved a lot. Wow.

Thank you Duchess Bune, I am grateful.

HAIL Duchess Bune!