Bune Saved Me Paying a Huge Fine

Submitted By: Jamal
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

Bune doesn’t only help make money but as I just found out, she’s amazing at stopping me WASTING money through a massive Federal fine!

Background: I’ve been working with Bune for about 5 years, initially in a half-hearted kind of way (whilst dabbling with other dark entities like Lilith, Hekate and Santa Muerte) but I dedicated my esoteric practices to Bune in 2021 and have not looked back.

My life was in a very bleak place and Bune has turned it around in every possible way that’s related to finances and business. I have seen a lot of business success and been able to clear 6 figures in debt in a matter of 2 years.

But that’s not the reason I’m writing this.

Bune is also very protective and I experienced this first hand tonight, in a way that has shocked me to the core and made me love Her more than ever!

OK, so I’m a solo business owner which means everything falls to me to remember and sometimes my memory is bad. Fortunately most things that really matter get reminder emails or calendar alerts so I’m mostly good.

Unfortunately without knowing it, one of my emails has stopped working properly and important emails that I should have been getting, have been vanishing into the ether, and one of these, or I should say many MANY of these have been related to a Federal filing I should have made.

Without knowing it, I had until today to file something and without doing it I could be fined 5 figures.

I had zero idea I was due to file this because all the reminder emails had gone to neverland.

I was oblivious, and so here we are at tonight while out walking (and listening to Bune’s enn on my headphones) the weirdest thing happened.

Trying to get fitter, I was out getting in 8,000 steps, not thinking about anything in particular and letting Bune’s enn wash over me. I was half way round my circuit when I had the loudest voice come into the forefront of my mind, telling me to get home. This was impossible to ignore, because alongside the voice was a feeling of deep dread and my adrenaline peaked making me go into something like a panic attack.

I ignored it for a minute and tried to continue walking (I’m a slave to the Apple fitness app) but I then felt literal hands push and pull me off course and towards home, with the voice saying to get home, saying I had to make an urgent filing.

By now I was freaked out and so set off directly home at a slight run.

I got home, looked on my computer, went to the website and realized I had an HOUR remaining to make this filing – and that failure could see me fined 5 figures.

I started but it looked really complex, so I went to a service provider and they reiterated that I had only 45 minutes remaining and I had better hurry. I told them I’d been out on a walk and had a sudden compulsion to go home and check my books – to which they said “Boy! You must’ve had an angel looking after you!”

Agreeing with them, I was able to complete the filing in the nick of time and I was OK.

Of course I didn’t tell them that my angel was Bune – so I’m making up for this here!


You saved me tonight, I know it was you and I want you to know I feel so humbled that you can take care of me like this – you are truly a light in my life and I’m grateful every second of every day to have found you.

Glory to your name oh great Duchess!

Hail Bune! Hail Bune! Hail Bune!