Coinbase released my funds

Submitted By: Malthus
Bune Delivered within: Few hours or less

My account on Coinbase has been restricted from sending crypto to external wallets for months. My many attempts to get that issue resolved via coinbase’s support team had failed miserably.
Reading through most of the submissions on this page made me feel the urge to just thank Duke Bune for all that he has done to help so many people. I then lit a green candle & sandelwood incense also offered some rum & caramel pudding to Bune. No sigil, no blood offerings or anything else but gratitude to this spirit. I enjoyed the rum, also ate the pudding and chanted the Enn a couple of times whilst letting a meditation video on YT run in the background.

To my great surprise, as I just logged into my coinbase account I could see that that restirction had already been lifted and I was able to immediatly transfer my funds to a wallet I have control of!!

Wehl Melan Avage Bune Tasa!!


PS: I do intend to execute a regular ritual this coming Friday asking Bune for other favors and I surely will submit again another success story here very soon!!