Tough times made easier thanks to Bune

Submitted By: April
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

Just when I started to lose hope, Bune has assisted me in an unexpected way that’s gonna be helpful in the long run. I’m now working with a very wealthy and generous client.

I appreciate it!

Be Patient Bune is with You

Submitted By: Victorium01
Bune Delivered within: 2 Months

BUNE: 7.1.22 Duration 2 months

Hail BUNE! I just want to take this time to thank Bune for all that she has done for me. I made a pact with Bune 2 months ago. During this time I was crossing the Abyss on the Tree of Life and it has been a grueling and challenging experience. I am now coming to the end. During this time I had many financial hardships and I knew that it was for my evolution. Just this week I received substantial money that I had been waiting for a long time that has now put my mind at ease and allowed me forward progression. I have stayed faithful to my pact with Bune and will continue to do so as I can feel everything being put in place to manifest everyting that is on my list with Bune!. I have also noticed that while working with Bune I am more proficient at task and my overall being… Hail BUNE!

My success with Bune

Submitted By: Helga
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

I’d received an eviction notice about two months ago now. As part of my offerings to Bune, I told her that I would spread her name in the event she fulfilled my request.

I asked for $10k a month to come out of the financial bind I’d been stricken with.

I must say, she works quick. At the end of last month my husband and I compared notes and saw that with some new endeavors that magically appeared, we had indeed cleared the requested $10k for that month. A very long shot from where we were when we had received the notice.

I’m pleased to say we are about caught up on the rent we were behind on.

Bune has helped me so much.

Submitted By: Bernard
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

Bune has helped me in so many ways. I was doubtful when I first performed a ritual but I immediately felt her presence and energy. In the months afterwards Bune has helped me get a new car and has opened up many more sources of income that I had never thought about before. I offer this post as public praise to the great Duchess and if anyone needs any help then they shouldn’t hesitate to contact Bune.

the fresh start I need

Submitted By: Ann
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

Thank you, Duchess Bune, for the fresh start I needed!

I’ve been working with Duchess Bune for over a year. I was trapped in a scary situation. I wondered why Bune didn’t come through with the big money work I had hoped for so I could be out on my own.

Instead, a better living arrangement fell into my lap and distant family helped me with the costs. I’m safe in my new place and I can spend all my energy healing and working towards my goals. Now I understand that this is like physical therapy after you break your leg. I’m learning to “walk” again so I can run soon and I have the support I need to do it.

Thank you, Duchess Bune!

Living my best life

Submitted By: Christen W
Bune Delivered within: 3 Weeks

I honestly don’t remember how long it took for bune to answer but I believe it was only a few weeks if that when my financial situation started getting better. I went from no income to getting a large deposit that I desperately needed. I got a few other deposits after that & was able to pay my bills and do things that I had not been able to do. Bune is truly amazing!

Thank you Bune for all you’ve done.

Public Praise and Gratitude to Bune

Submitted By: Goetia Magician
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

I am here to give honor and thank Bune for delivering my petition within 11 days.

I performed a ritual summoning Bune based on a book titled “Demons of Magick” by Gordon Winterfield. I petitioned Bune to bring me 2000 USD. Within 11 days, I received 2500 USD effortlessly.

Keep working with Bune. Keep the faith in your efforts. Read more books to enhance your practice and gain inner wisdom. You will receive. Hail Bune!

Thank you my Duchess

Submitted By: Daniel
Bune Delivered within: Not specified

This is a (very) late thank you for the great Duchess Bune.

She has helped me find a freelance job that paid me enough money so I could fulfil my wishes at the time and once I had completed the job she had helped me get what I wanted with the money at a reduced cost than I had imagined, making the timing line up almost perfectly for what I needed. I just drew her sigil and asked her what I wanted and needed in my mind and she delivered. I hope that one day I will be able to perform a proper ritual for her.

She is also there when I am under stress or need to say my worries to somebody, and she always gives me a better emotional state than before. The Duchess is an amazing and kind and loving Spirit and I wholeheartedly recommend working with her if you need anything. Be respectful and patient and she will help you, for she is truly great!

Thank you my Duchess and please forgive my very late thank you. I love you my Duchess.

Whlc Melan Avage Bune Tasa!

Dream Job

Submitted By: Xaphan
Bune Delivered within: 1 Week

I lost my job back when covid first started. I had trouble finding something new so I took a job at a dunkin donuts making over half what I was making in hotel management. Needless to say I was not happy with how my life was going so I decided to start working with bune. I started applying for jobs in my field and a few days after I already had 3 interviews set up. I did not get the jobs at the first 2, and ended up getting hired with the 3rd place i interviewed with. I ended up getting hired for a position much hire up in management because they were so impressed with my resume. I’m now making 6 figures a year and am happier than I ever been. I owe it all to bune.

Hail bune.

I was going through financial crisis

Submitted By: Lutenfo
Bune Delivered within: 2 Weeks

Im here to thank duke bune for what he has done and for what he us still going to do for me. Im going through financial crisis and i didn’t know how to make ends meet how ever i was living in borrowing money from people not knowing how ill pay it from the time i started working with bune he has heard my ask and im getting all the help needed and i even received money on my account dont kwon where it came from..

Few days ago i dreamed of bune i think it was Friday the 29th April 2022 he was in a form of angel and ge was covering my bed and in the morning i said if that was you please give me a sign and he did got money into my account and i really needed it..

Thank you dutches Bime